Your time is precious and that’s why every Bravo Whisky Golf expedition is personally created and precisely customised for you and your companions.
Our flights in expertly piloted planes or helicopters are at the very heart of your experience. So much more than a way of swiftly getting from A to B, en route you will witness the true beauty of the Atlantic coastline from below the clouds, which very few ever get to see. The excitement of a beach landing in a remote island location forms some of our guests’ most treasured memories. And that’s before they’ve even set foot on land (let alone a golf course)
Discover remote and stimulating places in the British Isles, and beyond…….
The ultimate long weekend. If you are based in London (for example) and want to escape the City, a 3-day expedition will fly you from a nearby airfield north to Scotland’s rugged West Coast, or to the Dornoch Firth, Ireland, or even into the Arctic Circle.
Pricing from £5,000pp- based on 4-8 people travelling, depending on the number of aircraft flights required and destinations.
If venturing from overseas, for example from the US, Japan, UAE or Korea and are time-pressured, a 7-day expedition enables you to base yourself in 2 or 3 destinations. We use a combination of fixed-wing and rotary aircraft from strategically chosen hubs to reach the best remote golfing destinations and off-course experiences.
Pricing from £12,000pp based on 4-8 people traveling depending on the number of aircraft flights required and destinations.
10 DAY
With a little more time, a 10-day expedition can entirely immerse you into the pace and rhythm of life in your chosen destination. We may utilise as many as 4 hub locations on a 10-day adventure, but you will have the time and space to appreciate every single moment.
Pricing from £15,000pp based on 4-8 people traveling depending on the number of aircraft flights and destinations.